Caucasus Healing

Organizing a Phage Therapy Trip in Georgia

Organization of a stay for phage therapy treatment in Georgia

Hai l’approvazione dei medici georgiani per ricevere il trattamento. Ora è il momento di organizzare il tuo trattamento di terapia fagica in Georgia.

Il nostro obiettivo è garantire che tu ti concentri solo sulla tua cura Ci occupiamo di tutto il resto, incluso i servizi di interpretariato, la pianificazione degli appuntamenti medici, traduzione, trasferimenti, alloggio, ecc.

Non esitare a contattarci al +339 72 27 65 17 (numero verde per gli europei) o al + 995 322 34 94 34 per qualsiasi ulteriore informazione di cui potresti aver bisogno.

Se hai l’accordo dei medici per il trattamento di terapia fagica, inviaci un’email visitando la pagina dei contatti (clicca sul pulsante qui sotto). Conferma il tuo nome completo, data di nascita e data di trattamento preferita, e ti forniremo un preventivo.

To organize phage therapy treatment ?

Comunicazione con i georgiani

La Georgia è un paese bellissimo e accogliente. Tuttavia, la comunicazione con i georgiani può spesso essere difficile, dato che parlano prevalentemente georgiano e russo. Inoltre, queste lingue usano alfabeti diversi che non sono nemmeno basati sul latino. Trovare la propria strada e leggere i nomi delle strade può già essere un’avventura. Inoltre, gli occidentali sono spesso percepiti come finanziariamente più agiati, portando a prezzi più alti e potenziale sovrapprezzo. È utile avere organizzati tutti i tuoi trasferimenti dall’aeroporto all’alloggio e alle cure mediche.

Inoltre, non tutti i medici parlano fluentemente l’inglese. La necessità di un interprete, specialmente uno con conoscenze mediche, è assolutamente indispensabile.

Alloggio di Qualità e Familiarità con la Città.

Le sistemazioni in Georgia spesso non sono della stessa qualità di quelle in Occidente. È necessario visitarli, convalidare la loro qualità e negoziare le tariffe. Non tutti i quartieri sono uguali. È importante conoscerli per scegliere una posizione piacevole vicino a negozi, ristoranti, ecc., ed evitare di finire nella periferia, lontano dai centri di trattamento e dai punti di interesse a Tbilisi.

Ecco perché offriamo solo alloggi di qualità occidentale in quartieri piacevoli.

Organizzazione Logistica

Potresti chiederti come organizzare il tuo soggiorno, trovare un alloggio con il giusto equilibrio di qualità e prezzo nella posizione giusta, tradurre i tuoi documenti medici, localizzare strutture sanitarie, assicurare appuntamenti con i medici, organizzare il trasporto dal tuo alloggio alle tue visite mediche, comunicare con i medici e ricevere assistenza in Georgia.

Il nostro obiettivo è che tu ti concentri solo sulla tua cura. Ci occupiamo di tutto il resto, incluso servizi di interpretariato, pianificazione degli appuntamenti medici, traduzione, trasferimenti, alloggio e altro.

Non preoccuparti, tutto sarà organizzato per te!!


As a Georgian receptive travel agency, we are exempt from VAT (18%) when our clients are non-Georgians. You will not benefit from this exemption if you go on your own. Additionally, we negotiate prices on accommodations that we rent year-round, allowing us to obtain very advantageous rates.


We will accompany you throughout your treatment. We guarantee quality accommodations in pleasant neighborhoods. We plan your entire stay, pick you up and drop you off at your accommodation, provide you with a dedicated interpreter, a mobile phone, and remain available to assist you at any time.


Smiling doctors with a determination to succeed. The beauty of the country, the hospitality of its people, its gastronomy, wine, landscapes, and its dynamic and modernized capital will make you want to come back to Georgia. For many, this city is where they find healing, or even a new lease on life, and they happily return here.

Frequently asked questions

We are in contact with the doctors. We manage your schedules with them and take care of all your medical appointments. We will organize the schedules of your driver and medical interpreter so that they are always available for you. We will assist you throughout your treatment and handle all your needs.
Based on your budget, mobility, and preferences, we will propose the most suitable accommodation options for you: staying with a host family, renting a private European-standard apartment, staying at a hotel (with or without accessibility for persons with reduced mobility), in the city center or elsewhere. In any case, it will be conveniently located near shops and restaurants so that you can easily find everything you need
During all your medical appointments, your French-speaking medical interpreter will be present without fail, providing continuous assistance. You will also have her phone number and can call her at any time if you have any questions. Naturally, she will have a thorough understanding of your medical file and can continue to provide information even after your departure.
All your transfers will be arranged, starting with your pick-up at the airport. Our team, consisting of a driver and a English-speaking interpreter, will be waiting for you at the designated spot at the airport (you will receive a map), and you will have received photos of the individuals who will be picking you up in advance. They will be holding a sign with your name for easy identification. Once you have made this friendly contact, they will take you to your accommodation and inform you of the time and date of your first medical appointment.

Thirty minutes before your first medical appointment, our team will pick you up from your accommodation and take you to your appointment, always accompanied by your French-speaking medical interpreter. This will be the case for all your medical appointments that we organize throughout your stay. At the end of each medical consultation, they will bring you back to your accommodation.
If needed, we can certainly organize a stay for individuals with reduced mobility (PRM). We have all the necessary arrangements in place for people with mobility challenges. We can provide adapted accommodations (only in hotels), an equipped vehicle, and even lend you a wheelchair for the duration of your stay. Simply provide us with the details of your specific needs, and we will organize your stay accordingly.

Upon your arrival, we will provide you with a mobile phone or, if preferred, a SIM card to use in your smartphone. This will allow you to reach your French-speaking interpreter 24/7 for any needs you may have. We will always be available and ready to assist you in case of any necessary assistance.

We will provide you with a detailed quote that includes photos and the location of your accommodation, as well as an exhaustive list of all the services we will provide for you (transfers, interpretation, translations, etc.). Once you have given your approval for the quote, we will establish a contract that commits us to the agreed-upon terms. Once all the contractual details are finalized and agreed upon, we will then proceed with planning the organization of your trip.This ensures that both parties have a clear understanding of the arrangements and obligations involved. We are committed to fulfilling our responsibilities as outlined in the contract to ensure a smooth and satisfactory experience throughout your phage therapy treatment journey."
"You will love Tbilisi and Georgia. During your free time, we will offer guided tours based on your interests, whether it's religion, architecture, history, sports, gastronomy, wine, and more. You will also have the opportunity to take weekend excursions. Feel free to visit the following website to discover what you can explore during your stay: